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Unicide-Vet SPF®
Unicide® basic cleaner removes oil, soot, grease and other dirt from all surfaces.
WHERE:Unicide-Vet SPF® does not attack the materials and in concentration 13 it is veterinary approved. It is therefore recommended for the transport, food and food industry as well as everywhere in industry and agriculture.
WHAT IS:Unicide-Vet SPF® is based on sodium hydroxide, sodium xylene, sulfate and disodium metasilicate.

RESOLUTION: Used in a 1.5 – 2% solution. For heavily contaminated surfaces, a 5% solution is used.
PACKAGING:12.5 kg. plastic can.
ATTENTION:After cleaning, all surfaces that come into contact with meat, meat products and the like must be rinsed with clean water. All surfaces must be rinsed before disinfection.
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